英国代写,英国论文代写Cultural Phenomenon Concerning Migration

2 min readNov 24, 2021

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One of the current macro-theories explaining international migration would be the neoclassical macroeconomic theory. The central idea of it is that the difference in the demand of labor in countries of different geographical positions is the primary cause for international migration. Migrants would be driven by higher wages, higher work opportunities, and attracted by policy leniency to implement the imgration (Jennissen 44). For example, since 2000, the German government reformed their policies to create a tolerant environment for immigrants, inclusive of the naturalization policies, which grant babies of immigrant parents with citizenship (Rogh para.5). The policies increase the number of immigrants in this country.

The micro-thoery, like “Individual Migration Decision-making Model” researches into the migration issue from the perspective of the immigrants themselves. Kennan and Walker resAccording to the theory put forward by Sjaastad in 1962, the immigrants would calculate the change of “expected costs and payoffs” resulting from the immigration and the costs and payoffs have to be positive when the immigrants to make the decision ( 39). Education also plays a role in migration., For example, many Indian young people choose to leave for British for better education and they can achieve success in this place. “More than 75 per cent of British Indian students in England get five or more “good” GCSEs” (Kirkup para. 12).

The difference between the macro-theory and the micro-theory on immigration is that the former focuses on the general aspects connected with the migration issue, such as the government policies in the emigrant and immigrant countries, the economic development conditions, the labor market. Such aspects are the results of complex factors. The individual factors of the immigrants only take up a small proportion and influenced by such factors. The latter focuses on the personal conditions of the individual immigrants, such as their previous savings, their education level. The two theories explain international migration from different perspectives, one on the general environments while the other on the specific factors that influence the migration decisions of the individual immigrants.

Works Cited

Jennissen, Roel Peter Wilhelmina. Macro-Economic Determinants of International Migration in Europe. Dutch University Press, 2004.

Kennan, John, and James R. Walker. “Modeling Individual Migration Decisions.” International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, edited by Amelie F. Constant and Klaus F. Zimermann, Edward Elgar Pub, 2015, pp. 39–54.

Kirkup, James. “British Indians: A Remarkable Story of Success.” Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.

uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/11981677/British-Indians-a-remarkable-story-of-success.html. Accessed 4 May 2017.

Phil, The. “The Function of Popular Culture in Society.” Theory of the phil. 28. Apr. 2011. https://theoryofthephil.wordpress.com/2011/04/28/the-function-of-popular-culture-in-society/. Accessed 4 May 2017.

Rogh, Wida. “Migration Policies: Germany (2016).” perfar. n.d. http://www.perfar.eu/policy/migration

germany. Accessed 4 May 2017.



